Kim Cable Pattern written instructions:
Row 1: p2 k2 p2 k1 p2 k3 p2 k1 p2 k2
Row 2: p2 RT p2 sl1 p2 RT k1 p2 sl1 p2 RT
Row 3: as Row 1
Row 4: p2 RT p2 sl1 p2 k1 LT p2 sl1 p2 RT
Fisherman’s Rib Pattern:
Row 1: *p2 k1* to end of row
Row 2: *p2 sl1* to end of row
Note: Yarn should be held to the back of your knitting for
every slipped stitch.
Left Mitt:
CO 33 stitches over 3 dpns and join in the round. Work in
k2 p1 rib for 6 rows. Next row: k2, p1fb *k2 p1* to end of row.
Now work first row of Kim Cable Pattern, place a
marker, and work in fisherman’s rib to the end of the row.
Continue working Kim Cable Pattern on the first 19
stitches, and Fisherman’s rib pattern on the remaining 15 stitches. Work 2
repeats of Kim Cable Pattern, then Row 1 once more (i.e. work 9 rows).
Thumb Gusset: p1fb twice, placing a stitch marker
between the stitch you purl into the front and the stitch you purl into the
back both times.
You should have a row starting purl, marker, purl, purl, marker, purl. Now work
row 2 of Kim Cable pattern, starting on the third stitch (i.e. starting with
the first RT), then work in Fisherman’s Rib to the end of the row. You will
continue working as before, but increasing stitches between the two new markers
as follows:
Row 1: p1; purl stitches between markers; work in Kim
Cable pattern starting on the second stitch (i.e. p1 at the start of the row
rather than p2) to next marker; work in Fisherman’s Rib to end of row.
Row 2: p1; slip marker, p1fb, purl to one stitch
before next marker, p1fb, slip marker; work in Kim Cable pattern starting on
the second stitch to next marker; work in Fisherman’s Rib to end of row.
Repeat these two rows until you have 10 purl stitches
between the thumb gusset markers, then work the first row once more. You should
just have finished Row 3 of Kim Cable Pattern.
Thread a needle with about 6” of scrap yarn. Next
row: p1; slip the 10 stitches between the markers onto the scrap yarn and tie it
in a loop to secure the stitches; now continue working Row 4 of Kim Cable
Pattern, starting on the second stitch (i.e. p1, RT,…) until marker, work in Fisherman’s
rib to the end of the row.
Now continue working Kim Cable Pattern on the first
19 stitches, and Fisherman’s rib pattern on the remaining 15 stitches. Keep going
until the mitt measures about 6” from CO edge, ending with Row 1 or Row 3 of Kim
Cable Pattern.
Next row: k2, p2 tog, *k2 p1* to end of row. Continue
working in k2 p1 rib for 3 more rows. Bind off all stitches.
Pick up the 10 thumb stitches on scrap yarn. Purl all stitches and join in the round. (Tip: On
the first round, I like to work a p1fb on the last stitch in the round, slip this
extra stitch onto the beginning of the first needle, and purl it together with
the first stitch on the next round.) Purl every stitch for 4 rows more. Now
work k1 p1 rib for 2 rounds. Bind off all stitches.
Right Mitt:
Work as for Left Mitt up to Thumb Gusset, you should just have finished
Row 1 of Kim Cable Pattern.
Next Row: work Row 2 of Kim Cable Pattern; slip marker,
p1fb twice, placing a stitch marker between the stitch you purl into the front
and the stitch you purl into the back both times. After the first marker you
should have: purl, marker, purl, purl, marker, purl. Now
continue in Fisherman’s rib pattern, starting on the third
stitch (i.e. sl1, *p2 sl1* to end of row).
You will continue working as before, but increasing
stitches between the two new markers as follows:
Row 1: Work in Kim Cable pattern up to the first
marker; p1, purl stitches between thumb gusset markers, p1, k1; work in Fisherman’s
Rib to end of row.
Row 2: Work in Kim Cable pattern up to the first
marker; p1, slip marker, p1fb, purl to stitch before next marker, p1fb, slip
marker, p1, sl1; work in Fisherman’s Rib to end of row.
Repeat these two rows until you have 10 purl stitches
between the thumb gusset markers, then work the first row once more. You should
just have finished Row 3 of Kim Cable Pattern.
Thread a needle with about 6” of scrap yarn. Next
row: work Row 4 of Kim Cable Pattern; p1, slip stitches between thumb gusset
markers onto scrap yarn, p1, sl1; work in Fisherman’s rib to the end of the
Now continue working Kim Cable Pattern on the first
19 stitches, and Fisherman’s rib pattern on the remaining 15 stitches. Keep going
until the mitt measures about 6” from CO edge, ending with Row 1 or Row 3 of Kim
Cable Pattern.
Next row: k2, p2 tog, *k2 p1* to end of row. Continue
working in k2 p1 rib for 3 more rows. Bind off all stitches.
Knit the thumb as in left mitt.
Weave in any loose ends and you’re